So, it's no secret that I love films. No, I don't mean that from a strictly artistic standpoint nor from a straight "ENTERTAIN ME!" one. Or, maybe I should put this way: neither David Lynch nor Michael Bay graze my "Top 10 Peeps of the Industry" (name pending). I'm more of a Scorsese/Kurosawa/Leone kind of guy. Why those three? Because one: all three made absolutely astonishing films in their careers, and two: they understood that both characters AND story needed depth, but they never sacrificed entertainment in the process. So the epitome of a great movie is the intersection of depth, technicality, and entertainment.
Of course, not all movies NEED these things, but that's what makes film great, I guess. You never really know one's great until you stumble on it. I mean, I love Evil Dead, but did those characters possess depth? Not really. Or what about something that goes so wrong that it circles back to being great? Why do I love watching those? I guess that's what I'm trying to figure out.
Oh, and who am I? Not that it's super-important, but I'll give the quick rundown: I'm a 22 year-old college student at the University of Missouri- Columbia. I have a real nostalgia thing going on (I STILL map for DOOM and believe N64 is the greatest system of all time), I like pretty much all facets of art/media (writing and music largely comprising my other loves), and I probably need to spend my time doing things other than MAPPING FOR A 17 YEAR-OLD GAME!!!!! (Hence, the blog).
That's the basic stuff? Want to know more? Just drop a line... not like a line of cocaine... I ... never mind.
Oh, and I guess I'll establish some sorta loose rating system here:
10 - Timeless Awesomeness
9 - Timeless Awesomeness, but lacking a degree of WHAMMO!!!!
8 - Funky stuff worth watching again
7 - Cooler than average, I'll dig it a couple more times.
6 - It'll keep my attention when I watch it the first time, or make good background noise.
5 - Nothing significant
4 - This movie ain't all that hot!!!!!
3 - Nothing but *grumble grumble grumble*
2 - Sucks
1 - Literally ONE redeeming quality (Buscemi in Armageddon, e.g.)
0 - Curb-stomp + Golf shoe = OUCH BAH BAH BAH BAH!
And a special one:
AN AWESOME 0!!!!! - Everyone should love these types of movies, because they're awful. Awful in a special sort of way that makes me love them. Hilarious in that unintentional fashion.
Finally to round things out, here's a picture of me looking stupid (and a smidgen drunk):

<------- A whole month of not shaving and that's the best i can muster.
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